For Organizations

In 2019, PricewaterhouseCooper released the troubling results of their most recent employee financial wellness survey

some highlights

Arrows pointing down to the next secion of content

Organization graphic

numerous studies have drawn
similar conclusions

but you can do something about it

Kaneski Associates has been providing physicians financial wellness through education since 1989

Why choose us?

The Kaneski Associates Team can help with the financial challenges facing your physicians & staff.






Financial Wellness

Strategically Aligned

We are proud to partner with several organizations that provide us with unparalleled support & resources. These strategic alliances were chosen because they allow us to best meet the needs of our clients.

Our primary insurance and financial relationships:

Our other insurance and financial relationships:

Morning Star
Mass Mutual
Northwestern Mutual
Legal and General America
American Funds
John Hancock
T-Rowe Price
Franklin Templeton

(and more)

The above organizational logos are representative of the companies for which we can offer financial products and services as financial professionals of Kaneski & Associates Financial & Insurance Services. They are not affiliated with or endorsed by New York Life Insurance Company.

Our Services for Organizations

A financially fit team is a happier, healthier, more productive team. Through financial education and our suite of industry-leading employee benefits and organizational protection strategies, Kaneski Associates is positioned to help you bring financial wellness to your organization.

Financial Wellness

Kaneski Associates offers a series of workshops aimed at providing financial wellness. Because the financial wellness needs of each organization vary, so do our workshops. From basic budgeting and tax considerations to complex retirement and estate planning, we’ve got you covered! And if by chance we don’t, we produce all our workshops in-house and would be happy to tailor a financial wellness workshop to meet the needs of you and your organization. Click here to learn more about our workshops!

Retirement & Estate Planning

One of the nice perks of being self-employed or a business owner is that you don't have to retire. You're a doer. You like to make decisions and see results. But maybe someday -- perhaps when you're 65, 75 or older - you just might WANT the option to trade the fun and frustration of work for golf, gardening, vacationing with the grandkids or sitting back and relaxing with family and friends. Just as important, you also want to have all your ducks in a row, so to speak, when it comes to making sure your loved ones are well provided for in the future. Neither of these goals just happens. They are the result of decisions you make today. That means retirement planning and estate planning – mapping out a strategy to create options for you and for your family. Fortunately, there are more retirement and estate planning choices available today than ever before for business owners and those self-employed. We are here to help you begin the process of planning. As the old saying goes: Those who fail to

Employee Benefits

Finding quality employees is half the challenge. Keeping them – and keeping them well motivated – is the other half, especially in today's tight labor market. One way to do that is to provide competitive benefits. I know, when many small business owners hear the words "employee benefits," they immediately think, "one more expense I can't afford!" If this sounds like you, you might want to think again. Two reasons:

  • Carefully selected benefits can help reduce costly employee turnover, boost morale and, in turn, help assure your company's stability and productivity.
  • Benefits need not cost you an arm and a leg. For example, a voluntary payroll deduction program lets workers – including you as an owner-employee – acquire valuable benefits at virtually no cost to you.

*Neither New York Life Insurance Company, nor its agents, provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, or accounting professional before making any decisions.

Business Continuation

As a business owner, you are the lifeblood of your organization, the driving force behind its success. Have you considered what will happen to your business when you are ready to retire? Do you have children or other family members ready to continue the family business? Or is there another successor in line who will be able to pick up the reins? Most of all, if you died prematurely or became disabled, will the business you worked so hard to build be able to continue...and will your family be financially provided for? Tough questions, yes, but ones you need to ask.

Life Insurance for
Risk Management

As a business owner, you live with risk. That's the nature of business. You take on risk when you borrow money to expand, launch a new product or service, hire a new employee, extend credit to a customer. There are dozens of risks in business...and few guarantees. Successful business owners, therefore, work to minimize risk, so they can focus on meeting their objectives. Life insurance is a risk management tool. For instance, if your company invested in new facilities or new vehicles, you would insure their value against the danger of theft, fire and accident. In the same way, life insurance can help protect the value of key employees to your business, reduce the risk that a loan might default if something happened to you, and, most of all, reduce the risk that your business and your family would suffer financially if you did not live to see your long-term plans completed.


Don’t have a Harvard MBA? You're not alone. Most successful entrepreneurs started out with what seemed like a good idea and ended up running a business of their own. How can you learn to manage the business side of business? Read, study, ask lots of questions, and seek out sound advice from your tax, legal and financial advisors. You can also turn to us to discuss how the insurance and financial products that we offer can help you support your business growth plan.